Sunday, November 27, 2011

breakfast ideas

I'm sure you have all heard breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Some people, like my dad, don't agree with this even after telling him the benefits over and over. So, I'm giving you the facts and you can decide yourself. Even if you don't agree, here are some ideas to try...just for fun :)

  • Eating breakfast as an adult helps us to perform our best throughout the day but breakfast for a child is even more important. Their growing bodies and and brains need regular intake of food and skipping breakfast can mean going without food for a very long time. This can cause physical, intellectual, and behavioral problems. (Why Breakfast Is the Most Important Meal of the Day-Web MD)
  • One of the biggest excuses for not eating breakfast is that there just isn't enough time. Any breakfast is better than nothing. Even if you have to pack a breakfast for your lil' eater to eat on the go. 
  • Some skip meals to help with weight control but this can actually make it more difficult. Having regular meals can jump start your metabolism and keep it going throughout the day.
Not only is it important to eat breakfast but it is also just as important to eat healthy foods for breakfast. Many of the quick or just delicious options are very sugary and not nutritious. These are okay to eat every now and then but should not be consumed everyday.
Here are some other choices!
  • I love fruit and yogurt is one of my favorite breakfasts. The best part is that any fruit can be used so you are able to add your child's favorite fruit and maybe even sneak in some others that your child wouldn't normally eat. You can also add cereal to the yogurt for more variety and nutrients. 
  • Shape your pancakes! You may have made Mickey Mouse pancakes but can also try other shapes that your lil' eater is more interested in. 
    • With waffles or pancakes try topping them with peanut butter.
    • Help your lil' eater build houses out of their waffles. Top with powder sugar to make a snow topped cabin :) 
  • Some on the go options:
    • breakfast bars and juice
    • pre-made baggies with cereal, nuts, raisins or fruit
  • Try not to let your lil' eater snack before breakfast and if serving milk or juice, serve it with breakfast. You don't want them to be full before breakfast is served!
Try and give your lil' eater variety and balance if possible...what ways have you been able to get your child to eat breakfast?

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