Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Common deficiencies in young children

IRON, ZINC, and CALCIUM!! Most other nutrient requirements are met but these three are important and should try to be added into your child's diet. Some food sources for these nutrients are as follows...

Iron: Meats (can be ground or chopped to make easier to chew), fortified breakfast cereals, dried beans and peas, spinach, and apricots are just some of the sources. It is also important to remember that your child shouldn't consume more than 24 ounces of milk daily (cows milk-not fortified). This has low iron content and may displace other iron containing foods.

Zinc: Can also be found in meats, legumes, and fortified products.

Calcium: Dairy products, dark green leafy vegetables, and calcium fortified foods and beverages (orange juice and breakfast cereals).

Try working some of these foods into your child's diet as often as possible. REMEMBER it takes about 15 introductions before your child can decide if he/she likes a new food, so don't give up!